Thursday, May 10, 2012

Reality is always different from the theory.....Vanguards MGB

I got very excited with regards to the Vanguards MGB Bronze Yellow (VA10709) when it was first announced at the start of the year. it looked the business from the pre-pro from the Corgi Website.

Those Maltese wheels were spot on and was something that really grated me on previous other models from the vangaurds range as they were never quite right in terms of accuracy.

As I was in the UK last week, Modelzone and Allders visted.

MGB available.

Quality Check followed and then viewed this -


(you will just have to tilt your head - Photobucket is not playing ball).

This infuriated me - why on earth can Corgi not get this right with the wheels yet again? Tempting me with the pre-pro pictures, and then in real life it is a total let down.

I refuse to accept poor production models any more. It is getting beyond a joke. Why can the wheels NOT reflect what has been created via the pre-pro???? This makes the model flawed and as a result I did not by this one. I have the same problem on the MkIII Cortina 2.0 GXL.

Absolute joke and to be honest I am gutted. Hornby, this is not good enough.

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